Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Lava Flow hike July 4th Weekend

Here are some photos from my latest hike at the active lava flows in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
I went exploring and my main objective was the new channeled A'a flow that was flowing down the Pali's (cliffs, hillside).
The flow was going through the lower section of an old Kipuka (section of forest spared by earlier flows) and burning the trees and brush.
My hike started around 12:30am from the end of Chain of Craters road.
3 hours later I reached the flow.
For those of you thinking of heading out that way, I strongly suggest you don't!
I'm very experienced and the area surrounding the active tube feeding the ocean entry is very unstable!
It's not an area for the novice and faint of heart to be at!

Ok, back to the hike :-)
When I finally arrived the flow was making it's way down the last steep section of the Pali.
So, what would normally be a slow moving A'a flow was actually a sort of fast moving wall of glowing rock. For the unfamiliar, A'a lava sounds like dishes breaking as it moves along.
Very strong trade winds were blowing that night so, the smoke was staying close to the ground.
The photo above is from just before sunrise when the channel was still open. It crusted over shortly after that photo and the flow hit flat uneven ground which slowed it's pace nearly to a standstill.
The photos you will view at the link below show the progression of my night.
From lava flowing around and burning the trees to dawn and my hike back passing by a couple of small but nice skylights.
This is part 1 of my photos for this visit.
I will update soon with my shots of the sea arch and some nice infrared black and whites from the parks other areas.
Click on the link below and enjoy!
View photos here

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